Alerts API


Create alert

POST /v2/alerts/

Path Parameters




A name that uniquely identifies this alert.



The graphite metric query to alert on.



The criteria for which the alert triggers.



Any extra metrics that are to be included when evaluating the state of an alert, these are referred to as Composite Alerts. Note that any additional criteria must be referenced in the expression field and a maximum of 3 additional criteria is allowed. Example: {"f": {"type": "above", "above_value": 5, "metric": ""} where f is also referenced in the expression field. Defaults to {}.



A conditional relationship between multiple metrics. It allows for the combining of multiple alert criteria. It’s represented in the format of a boolean expression where each individual alert criteria is denoted as a single letter. The letter a is reserved for the criteria defined in alert_criteria. Only required when additional alerting criteria are defined. Maximum number of 3 additional criteria allowed (4 including the default alert criteria). && takes higher precedence over || Examples: a && b, a || c. Defaults to a.



The value above which the alert should trigger. Required for alert type above and outside_bounds.



The value below which the alert should trigger. Required for alert type below and outside_bounds.



The time period in minutes for which the threshold needs to be breached. Leave empty for an instantaneous evaluation. Required for alert type missing.



List of scheduled mutes for this alert. Must be a list of scheduled mute IDs. Defaults to an empty list.



List of notification channels for this alert. This can be a combination of channel names and channel IDs. Defaults to Email me if none exists.



The type of notification interval for this alert. Options are state_change (['state_change'] or 'state_change' is valid) or ['every', time_in_minutes]. This lets you control how often you want to be notified for an alert. Defaults to ['every', 60] if empty.



Alert message sent with notifications. Can contain an arbitrary string which may contain a description of the alert, steps to follow or references to documentation.



Controls if a notification is delivered if the graphite function query fails. Only valid for Alerts that have graphite function in the metric field. Defaults to notify. Graphite function query can fail due to timeouts from matching too many metrics, being malformed or if it returns duplicate metrics due to aliasing.

Curl example:

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d \
'{"name": "alert1", "metric": "test.metric.1", "alert_criteria": {"type": "above", "above_value": 5, "time_period": 2}}' \

Creates an alert named alert1 for metric test.metric.1 that triggers if the value is above 5 for 2 minutes with the (default) Email me notification type.

Request format:

  "name": "string",
  "metric": "string",
      "type": "above" | "below" | "outside_bounds" | "missing",
      "above_value": 123,
      "below_value": 123,
      "time_period": 123,
        "type": "above" | "below" | "outside_bounds" | "missing",
        "above_value": 123,
        "below_value": 123,
        "time_period": 123,
        "metric": "string"
  "expression": "a && b",
  "scheduled_mutes": ["scheduled_mute_id1", "scheduled_mute_id2", "scheduled_mute_id3"],
  "notification_channels": ["channel_id1", "channel_name1", "channel_id2"],
  "notification_type": "state_change" | ["state_change"] | ["every", 123],
  "info": "string",
  "on_query_failure": null | "ignore" | "notify"

Alert criteria examples:

Create an alert that triggers if the metric is missing for 10 minutes.

"alert_criteria": {
  "type": "missing",
  "time_period": 10

Create an alert that triggers if the metric is above 5.6 ever.

"alert_criteria": {
  "type": "above",
  "above_value": 5.6

Create an alert that triggers if the metric is below 2.1 or above 5.6 ever.

"alert_criteria": {
  "type": "outside_bounds",
  "above_value": 5.6,
  "below_value": 2.1

Create an alert that triggers if the metric is below 2.1 or above 5.6 for 10 minutes.

"alert_criteria": {
  "type": "outside_bounds",
  "above_value": 5.6,
  "below_value": 2.1,
  "time_period": 10

Composite alerts can evaluate multiple metrics/values, and are defined in the additional_criteria and expression parameters in the request format.

Create an alert when one metric is above 80 and another is below 20.

"metric": "my.first.metric",
"alert_criteria": {
  "type": "above",
  "above_value": 80
"additional_criteria": {
  "b": {
    "type": "below",
    "below_value": 20,
    "metric": "my.second.metric"
"expression": "a && b",

Create an alert when one metric is below 50 or another is below 30.

"metric": "my.first.metric",
  "alert_criteria": {
    "type": "above",
    "above_value": 50
  "additional_criteria": {
    "c": {
      "type": "below",
      "below_value": 30,
      "metric": "my.second.metric"
  "expression": "a || c"

Create an alert when one metric (A) is below 50 and another (B) is above 60 or if a third (C) is above 120. Note that performing an && on two monitors gets preference over || so this alert expression will be evaluated as (A && B) || C

"metric": "my.first.metric",
"alert_criteria": {
  "type": "below",
  "below_value": 50
"additional_criteria": {
  "b": {
    "type": "above",
    "above_value": 60,
    "metric": "my.second.metric"
  "c": {
    "type": "above",
    "above_value": 120,
    "metric": "my.third.metric"
"expression": "A && B || C"

NOTE: - Our Alerts UI doesn’t fully support composites so composite alerts can only be created and updated via the API. The alert overview page (when you click the eye button on an alert), will only display one metric for the alert instead of all the metrics associated. However the alert notifications are working and will display the graph of the last metric that breached the alert threshold. So for example, if the alert is a && b, and a breaches the threshold, then a few minutes later b breaches it’s threshold, the alert notification will show the metric graph for b.

Search alerts

GET /v2/alerts/

Returns a JSON object containing information on alerts matching the search query. Returns all the alerts if the parameter is left empty: /v2/alerts/?

Path Parameters




Format: &name=<alert_name1>&name=<alert_name2>The alert name to search for. Can specify multiple alert names to search for more than 1. Performs an OR operation so a query such as &name=<alert_name1>&name=<alert_name2> will return info on both alert_name1 and alert_name2



Format: &id=<id1>&id=<alert_id2>The alert id to search for. Can specify multiple ids to search for more than 1. Performs an OR operation so a query such as &id=<alert_id1>&id=<alert_id2> will return info on both alert_id1 and alert_id2.



Format: &search=<search_string>A more generic search that will match any alert whose alert name, metric name or notification channel name contains the search string.



Format: &page=1The page number to query. Used if there are more alerts than can be displayed in a single request. (default: 1)



Format: &max=50The maximum number of alerts to display. Limit of 100. (default: 100)

Curl example:

curl -X GET ""

Returns a list of all alerts

curl -X GET "

Returns a list of alerts that match the search pattern "example".

Specifying both alert_name and alert_id performs an OR operation and returns alert that match either criteria. Including a search string performs an AND operation with the other criteria.

Search for a single alert

GET /v2/alerts/<alert_id>/

Returns information on a single alert

Curl example:

curl -X GET ""

Obtain information on the alert identified by the id 123-456-7890. The alert id can be found in the URL of the alert when viewed from within the Hosted Graphite Alerts UI. NOTE: a request must contain the forward slash character after the alert_id.

Update an alert

PUT /v2/alerts/<alert_id>/

Update attributes of an alert identified by the alert id

Curl Example

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT -d \
'{"alert_criteria": {"time_period": 3, "type": "below", "below_value": 6}}' \

Modify the alert identified by the id 123-456-789 to alert if the metric values are below 6 for 3 minutes. Each field is optional, only the specified fields are updated, and requests must contain the forward slash character after the alert_id.

Delete an alert

DELETE /v2/alerts/<alert_id>/

Delete an alert identified by the alert id.

Curl Example

curl -X DELETE ""

Delete the alert identified by the id 123-456-789.

Mute an alert

POST /v2/alerts/<alert_id>/muted/

Mute alerts identified by the alert id.

Path Parameters




Time to mute in minutes.

Curl Example:

curl -X POST -d '{"duration":60}' \

Mute the alert identified by the id 123-456-789 for 60 minutes.

Unmute an alert

DELETE /v2/alerts/<alert_id>/muted/

Unmute an alert identified by the alert id.

Curl Example:

curl -X DELETE ""

Unmute the alert identified by the id 123-456-789`.

List muted alert

GET /v2/alerts/<alert_id>/muted/

Get the mute status of an alert identified by the alert id.

Curl Example:

curl -X GET ""

Obtain information on the mute status of the alert identified by the id 123-456-789. Also provides a list of the scheduled mutes currently attached to the alert.

Mute multiple alerts

POST /v2/alerts/muted/

Path Parameters




List of alert ids to mute.



String to filter alerts. Every alert with an alert name, metric name, or notification channel name containing this string will be muted.



Time to mute in minutes.

Curl examples:

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"ids": ["123-456-789", "321-654-987"], "duration":60}' \

Mute alerts 123-456-789 and 321-654-987 for 60 minutes.

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"search": "search_string", "duration":60}' \

Mute alerts with alert name, metric name or notification channel name containing search_string for 60 minutes. If both ids and search are empty, then all alerts will be muted.

Unmute multiple alerts

DELETE /v2/alerts/muted/

Path Parameters




List of alert ids to unmute.



String to filter alerts. Every alert with an alert name, metric name, or notification channel name containing this string will be unmuted.

Curl examples:

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X DELETE -d '{"ids": ["123-456-789", "321-654-987"]}' \

Unmute alerts 123-456-789 and 321-654-987.

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X DELETE -d '{"search": "search_string"}' \

Unmute alerts with alert name, metric name or notification channel name containing search_string. If both ids and search are empty, then all alerts will be unmuted.

Obtain alert history

GET /v2/alerts/history/?

Path Parameters




The alert id to search for. Can specify multiple ids to search for more than 1. Returns history of all alerts if emptyFormat: &alert_id=<alert_id1>&alert_id=<alert_id2>



The number of days to obtain history of.Format: &days=1 (default: 3)



The status that was recorded. Cant be either ‘alerting’ or ‘recovered’.



The value at which the alert triggered or recovered. Value will be null if the alert was a missing metric alert.



Unix timestamp at which the alert triggered or recovered.

Curl example:

curl -X GET "

Obtain alert history of the alert identified by the id 123-456-789.

Last updated