
List all tags

GET GET /api/v1/tags

Curl example:

curl -X GET "https://YOUR-API-KEY@api.hostedgraphite.com/api/v1/tags"

Locate a Tag's Values

GET GET /api/v1/tags/<tagname>

Path Parameters

Curl example:

curl -X GET "https://YOUR-API-KEY@api.hostedgraphite.com/api/v1/tags/host?filter=prod-00*&limit=3"

Search for tag name host that matches the value prod, and only show 3 matching results.

Locate Tagged Metrics and Values

GET /api/v1/tags/findSeries?

Path Parameters

Curl examples:

curl -X GET "https://YOUR-API-KEY@api.hostedgraphite.com/api/v1/tags/findSeries?expr=cluster=prod&host=egg-0001"

Search for tagged metric/series that match the expression cluster=prod&host=egg-0001

Response format with ‘?filter=machine-000*&limit=3:

HTTP/1.1 200
Content-Type: application/json

{"tag": "host",
 "values": [{"count": 59, "value": "machine-0001"},
            {"count": 57, "value": "machine-0002"},
            {"count": 59, "value": "machine-0003"}]

Delete Tagged Metricss

POST /api/v1/tags/delSeries

Curl example:

curl -X POST "https://YOUR-API-KEY@api.hostedgraphite.com/api/v1/tags/delSeries" --data-urlencode "path=foo.bar;tag1=val1;tag2=val2"

Delete all series that match the path foo.bar and tag1=val1 and tag2=val2.

If you have sent tagged metrics then the number of tagged metrics you have sent will be displayed when you hover over the metric count on your Homepage:

You can also locate, search, and delete your tagged metrics from within our Tag Search UI:

Last updated