
Monthly updates to Hosted Graphite by MetricFire - customer facing features and services

September 2024

  • Deployed a new Heroku Router Aggregates feature - to combine values of high-cardinality Heroku Path metrics

  • Upgraded our AWS/SNS integration to include more metric dimensions

August 2024

  • Added a Kubernetes integration as a telegraf-daemonset which can be easily deployed into your k8 clusters. This will collect/forward metrics that can be visualized on a Kubernetes Overview dashboard located in our Dashboard Library

  • All accounts now have active Grafana v9.5 instances, and you can reach out to our support to request a different version

July 2024

  • Added a CLI Demo onboarding tool - for sending sample data that van be viewed in the Welcome to HG dashboard in our Dashboard Library:

    • bash -c "$(curl -s"

  • Continued Grafana v9 deployments and dashboard migrations - reach out to request this upgrade

June 2024

  • Added a Tag Expiry feature, for managing stale tagged metrics

  • Continued Grafana v9 deployments and dashboard migrations - reach out to request this upgrade

  • Optimized the Quick View metric/alert graphs for cleaner and faster data rendering

May 2024

  • Rolled out our NEW beta Grafana environment hosted on kubernetes (default version 9.5.13)

    • please reach out directly to request this early

  • Added a Welcome Dashboard to our Dashboard Library, for a smoother onboarding experience

April 2024

  • Deployed a HG home page redesign for the top and side nav bars, giving a more modern look and cleaner UI experience

  • Continued development for hosted stock Grafana in Kubernetes

  • Research and testing for SNMP device performance monitoring using the Telegraf agent

March 2024

  • Began development work for hosted stock Grafana in Kubernetes

  • Research and testing for ELK stack performance monitoring using the Telegraf agent

  • Tagged Metric backend service cleanup and optimisation

February 2024

  • New Heroku Router Path Metrics option for higher visibility into connections/methods/statuses per path in a Heroku app

  • Deployed new GitLab and Cloudbees webhook integrations

  • Integrated HG landing page to use chartJS for faster graph loading on home page and Account Diagnostics page

  • API key on HG landing page now hidden by default, for increased security

January 2024

  • Released the Heroku Kafka integration which forwards Heroku log drain metrics from your Heroku Kafka Add-On

  • Dashboard Library updated with the Heroku Kafka dashboard

  • Backend services cleanup, consolidation, and optimisation

December 2023

  • Released a GCP Add-On integration. This feature allows the forwarding of metrics from specified GCP services.

  • Released the Heroku Redis integration which forwards metrics from your Heroku Redis Add-On

  • Dashboard Library updated with GCP Overview dashboard and Heroku Redis dashboard

October 2023

  • Released the Microsoft Azure Add-On, which syncs the metrics from specified Azure resources into your account.

  • Dashboard library updated with AWS/Azure Overview dashboards

  • Busy Metric Ratelimited feature released an viewable in Account Diagnostics

  • Added AWS ECS Container Insights service to our Cloudwatch Add-On

September 2023

August 2023

  • MetricFire Homepage localised into Japanese, Korean and Portuguese

  • Released the Heroku Postgres metrics integration and pre-made dashboard

  • Updated our Sitespeed integration for use with annotations

  • Hosted Graphite Agent updated to python3

  • Added the AWS Cloudwatch Logs service to our Cloudwatch Add-On

July 2023

  • Released the Microsoft Teams Alerting Notification Channel

  • Greater integration with Site Performance Insights

  • Improvements made around annotation issues

  • A+ security header score for and domains

  • Sentry Reconfiguration for Alerting

June 2023

  • Heroku Add-On Maintenance and migration to Heroku API V3

  • Sentry reconfiguration for improved internal alerting and response times

  • Updates to site stability and indexing

May 2023

  • Bug fixes resolving alert resolution and metric expiry feature issues

  • Backend services cleanup and optimisation

  • Improvements to Graphite Web / Query Functions

  • Deployed updates providing greater ability for users to adjust their current plan option self-service

April 2023

  • Added AWS MemoryDB Service to our Cloudwatch Add-On

  • Bug Fixes for Heroku Add-On services

  • Metric Expiry Updates and Fixes

  • ‘Limited Access Group’ feature improvements

  • Hosted Graphite Ruby Gem updated to support tagged StatsD metrics

March 2023

  • Completed a full infrastructure overhaul:

    • upgraded all backend services and dependencies to newer versions of Python and Ubuntu

    • replaced all internal servers with newer and more efficient models (NVME in most layers for faster read/write speeds)

  • Released new documentation domain and format - hosted by gitBook

Last updated