Monthly updates to Hosted Graphite by MetricFire - customer facing features and services
August 2024
Added a Kubernetes integration as a telegraf-daemonset which can be easily deployed into your k8 clusters. This will collect/forward metrics that can be visualized on a Kubernetes Overview dashboard located in our Dashboard Library
All accounts now have active Grafana v9.5 instances, and you can reach out to our support to request a different version
July 2024
Added a CLI Demo onboarding tool - for sending sample data that van be viewed in the Welcome to HG dashboard in our Dashboard Library:
bash -c "$(curl -s"
Continued Grafana v9 deployments and dashboard migrations - reach out to request this upgrade
June 2024
Added a Tag Expiry feature, for managing stale tagged metrics
Continued Grafana v9 deployments and dashboard migrations - reach out to request this upgrade
Optimized the Quick View metric/alert graphs for cleaner and faster data rendering
May 2024
Rolled out our NEW beta Grafana environment hosted on kubernetes (default version 9.5.13)
please reach out directly to request this early
Added a Welcome Dashboard to our Dashboard Library, for a smoother onboarding experience
April 2024
Deployed a HG home page redesign for the top and side nav bars, giving a more modern look and cleaner UI experience
Continued development for hosted stock Grafana in Kubernetes
Research and testing for SNMP device performance monitoring using the Telegraf agent
March 2024
Began development work for hosted stock Grafana in Kubernetes
Research and testing for ELK stack performance monitoring using the Telegraf agent
Tagged Metric backend service cleanup and optimisation
February 2024
New Heroku Router Path Metrics option for higher visibility into connections/methods/statuses per path in a Heroku app
Deployed new GitLab and Cloudbees webhook integrations
Integrated HG landing page to use chartJS for faster graph loading on home page and Account Diagnostics page
API key on HG landing page now hidden by default, for increased security
January 2024
Dashboard Library updated with the Heroku Kafka dashboard
Backend services cleanup, consolidation, and optimisation
December 2023
Released a GCP Add-On integration. This feature allows the forwarding of metrics from specified GCP services.
Released the Heroku Redis integration which forwards metrics from your Heroku Redis Add-On
Dashboard Library updated with GCP Overview dashboard and Heroku Redis dashboard
October 2023
Released the Microsoft Azure Add-On, which syncs the metrics from specified Azure resources into your account.
Dashboard library updated with AWS/Azure Overview dashboards
Busy Metric Ratelimited feature released an viewable in Account Diagnostics
Added AWS ECS Container Insights service to our Cloudwatch Add-On
September 2023
Deployed Dashboard Library v2 and optimized current dashboard list
Added new pre-made dashboards for Telegraf and Sitespeed
Invalid Metric Tracking feature released and viewable in Account Diagnostics UI
August 2023
MetricFire Homepage localised into Japanese, Korean and Portuguese
Released the Heroku Postgres metrics integration and pre-made dashboard
Updated our Sitespeed integration for use with annotations
Hosted Graphite Agent updated to python3
Added the AWS Cloudwatch Logs service to our Cloudwatch Add-On
July 2023
Released the Microsoft Teams Alerting Notification Channel
Greater integration with Site Performance Insights
Improvements made around annotation issues
A+ security header score for and domains
Sentry Reconfiguration for Alerting
June 2023
Heroku Add-On Maintenance and migration to Heroku API V3
Sentry reconfiguration for improved internal alerting and response times
Updates to site stability and indexing
May 2023
Bug fixes resolving alert resolution and metric expiry feature issues
Backend services cleanup and optimisation
Improvements to Graphite Web / Query Functions
Deployed updates providing greater ability for users to adjust their current plan option self-service
April 2023
Added AWS MemoryDB Service to our Cloudwatch Add-On
Bug Fixes for Heroku Add-On services
Metric Expiry Updates and Fixes
‘Limited Access Group’ feature improvements
Hosted Graphite Ruby Gem updated to support tagged StatsD metrics
March 2023
Completed a full infrastructure overhaul:
upgraded all backend services and dependencies to newer versions of Python and Ubuntu
replaced all internal servers with newer and more efficient models (NVME in most layers for faster read/write speeds)
Released new documentation domain and format - hosted by gitBook
Last updated